Moments of Charles Ghankay Taylor ( Former President of Liberia)
Released on = April 25, 2006, 8:07 pm
Press Release Author = Alexander Orok
Industry = Law
Press Release Summary = Mr. Taylor being a Baptist, he maintained one of his favourite words of wisdom "they that humble themselves shall be assaulted". Upon this humility, it occurred to him that his people were subjected to a high frequency of designed assaults and undeserving suffering; including wanton killings, because some maneuver influence opted not to undercut his administration, It's a known fact that Taylor humbled himself from the high seat of the state to the ordinary living of a civilian when he took upon himself a journey to exile for the mercy of peace towards his country and fellow citizens. Though he left his words that "If God willing, I will be back", this clearly portray his innocence in a future measure of inadequacy which is imminent.
Press Release Body = In Charles Taylor's moment in time, it is believe that a man of his qualities added with adequate and systematic technicalities thus possessed a merciful heart, which in turn produces courageous actions. By his actions daring what men of low intellectual, who could call themselves men of valour, dares not; it has been known that Mr. Taylor has proven to be an outstanding ever living African leader of his time. Although by virtue Dr. Ghankay Taylor is proudly known for his flamboyant dress code, intellectual sense of humour and to complete the tone of his rhythm, he has earned the crown of a true leader with charismatic speech of eloquent patriots.
Mr. Taylor being a Baptist, he maintained one of his favourite words of wisdom "they that humble themselves shall be assaulted". Upon this humility, it occurred to him that his people were subjected to a high frequency of designed assaults and undeserving suffering; including wanton killings, because some maneuver influence opted not to undercut his administration, It's a known fact that Taylor humbled himself from the high seat of the state to the ordinary living of a civilian when he took upon himself a journey to exile for the mercy of peace towards his country and fellow citizens. Though he left his words that "If God willing, I will be back", this clearly portray his innocence in a future measure of inadequacy which is imminent.
For what is power but to remove obstacles in the path of progress and help influence positive changes in the situations of ones people? In such instance then, one does not necessary have to clinch to state power, if due to that the innocent are made to suffer. What more could have made in paradigm of Jesus Christ, the son of the Almighty to submit himself to the concoctions of mortal men that led him to the cross?
By records, Mr. Taylor has served as the 21st President of the oldest republic of modern Africa, yet during his democratic role he saw his continent at the doorsill as it faces the challenges of modern-day universal phenomena. Upon this foresight, he then realized that indeed Africa needed a new breed of leaders.leaders who would understood that the way forward lied in the amalgamation of a continental leading edge.
Leaders of our time, Mr. Taylor's thoughts and visions for African unity, restoration and reconciliation were not about challenging western or eastern powers, but about reinventing the attitudes of master-servant relations to that of partnership directed to the attainment of universal objectives. Taylor's pursuit of these aspirations got misunderstood in ways that he was never able to amend. Blessed is the leader, who seeks the best for those he serves and is willing to face the music, even when he doesn\'t like the tune. Mr. Taylor is facing the music of his deeds as an innocent individual though it may appear that he does not like the tune, but nature has it that if God willing, He will be back.
Today, great citizens of African Nations are glad that Taylor's situation has served as a wakeup call to the leaders of Africa. A day has dawned thereby brightening our darkness. It has become glaringly self evident that when three cows stand before a lion, the best they do is to hold together, or die one after another. A good leader inspires others with confidence in him; a great leader inspires them with confidence in themselves.
Although he is also known as a warlord, he earned it because he fought for the norms and values of his countrymen even in what he believed in, even what every African child would plead for in their daily lives, not withstanding what every mother's desire in their essence of time, which was and will be called.FREEDOM TO SURVIVE TO THE HIGHEST DOMAIN. I tell you my people; a wounded tiger is twice as dangerous as you could even imagine. The master never fails to accept the gift. Yet, in a fight such as these, there are only two rules: Do only what is necessary to prevail; and, Do all that is necessary to prevail. The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him in other men the conviction and the will to carry on the need for reconciliation, restoration, unity, peace and one love.
Mr. Taylor claimed his innocence on all charges indicted upon him as he proclaimed in spite of the organized forces around him that \"Most definitely, your honour, I could not have committed these acts against the sister republic of Sierra Leone,\" he said. I hope with grace that our fellow citizens would agree that his high-quality moral values and living well is the best reunion for this course. One could agree that such a man with true leadership ethics.though he walk through the valley of the shadow of death, he yet fear no evil. Taylor has been through several valleys even in the shadows of death, yet he triumphed. It is evidence that in his trial of this present generation, he would succeed.
Humility is the true father of leadership and in Taylor, African leaders would agree that he as of his time expressed that humility as nature would require him do so. Honor is the diamond which scratches every other stone. A great man of his caliber could not in any perspective betray any emotions towards the charges indicted fallaciously upon him. The Hands of fate keep time on a heart-shaped watch. Leaders of our time, being unconquerable lies within yourself: being conquerable lies within your adversary.
Fellow African Nations; know thy foe. Never let thy foe set the conditions for battle. Never fight a battle when nothing can be gained by winning. Only fight if victory is certain, but never assume victory. Some men do what is right, whether it pleases them or not. Others do what pleases them whether it is right or not. Someday in the course of our lives, we would pay for what is due in the course of our actions. Fellow citizens, Tomorrow\'s victory springs from today\'s training. Water breaks rock and remains unbroken. Wind, water, and time level the hardest mountain and remain intact in themselves.
Great judges of out time, I appeal with utmost respect that ye be cautious about what ye think ye know; for the map is not the territory, the word is not the thing. If ye call thyself a true leader, define your essence and truth.
Crime is the entertainment of the fool; so is wisdom for the man of understanding. Diplomacy is the art of allowing someone else have your own way. Great leaders of our time, it would be wise for us all to stop the usage of diplomatic policies that would deteriorate the lives of future survivals and potentials of younger generations at large.
Knowledge is power; intelligence is a gift; wisdom makes use of them. Great leaders of this world, let wisdom guide your judgments as it is believed that the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving.
I am very much obliged to end this piece of writing with a poetic caption :
0 beautiful for spacious skies, 0 beautiful for pilgrim feet, 0 beautiful for heroes proved 0 beautiful for patriot dream
Man makes holy what he believes, As he makes beautiful what he loves
For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it. For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it. For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it.
The true desire of a great man is to protect the well-being of his people.